
By becoming a member of The Cambridge Writers’ Workshop, you join a community of dedicated writers who have helped support one another’s careers.  Whether you’re looking to share your work, seeking help with editing a project, wanting to join a discussion forum about the business side of writing, or find a writing partner to cheer you on your goals, our community will support your writing goals and development. Your membership will also help support our literary arts activities, workshops, and summer retreats.

All pledged members will have full access to the Cambridge Writers’ Workshop Membership Site and will be eligible for special offers on workshops and events.  Members will also be able to share their creative work, post literary inquiries, network with others writers, and receive feedback on their work on the CWW NING Writers’ Network.

Two Types of Membership:

1.  Standard Membership $35 (yearly) – Open to all writers.


2.  Alumni Membership $25 (yearly) – Open to our retreat and workshop alumni.
